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Can I get help paying my medical bills?

An attorney can assist you with numerous aspects relating to medical bills. For example, if you require an expensive medical procedure that you cannot afford, a lawyer can begin working with multiple insurance companies of yours, including automobile and health insurance providers, to see if they can provide benefits.

You could also use an attorney to possibly get help receiving treatment from trusted physicians who are willing to provide care under a medical lien. With a medical claim, repayment for medical services will come from the settlement or jury award in a personal injury case.

How to Protect Yourself From Runaway Medical Expenses

Medical bills are frequently complicated for people to decipher, as numerous patients at hospitals struggle to try and figure out precisely what they are charged for. Most medical bills are seemingly designed to confuse people. An experienced lawyer can review medical bills and dispute any inflated or egregious charges.

The billing departments often believe that most people will not dispute their charges. An attorney can make hospitals present itemized lists to determine the possible increased costs. A lawyer will also help prevent any double billing, a common practice in which both the patient and their insurance company end up paying for the same treatment.

Many injury victims quickly become overwhelmed with phone calls from debt collectors relating to their medical bills, and an attorney can also assist in ending these phone calls and collection efforts. In the end, the most significant benefit of having a lawyer is that they will ultimately work to make sure that you obtain the amount that is needed to pay all of your medical expenses: past, present, and future.

Settlements are designed to cover every single expense a person will have to deal with because of their injuries, and medical costs are often one of the primary factors in most settlement discussions. You can bet that an attorney will accurately gauge precisely how much your future medical care is expected to cost in negotiating a settlement.

One reason that insurance companies underpay so many medical bills is a person’s failure to record all of the expenses they have incurred. You want to be sure that you log every single bill you pay. Your records should relate to the following: ambulance fees, emergency room costs, lab testing, hospital room charges, prescription medications, any medical equipment that is required, visits to specialists, physical therapy costs, and transportation costs.

Need Assistance With Medical Expenses? Call Spiros Law, P.C. for Help

In the aftermath of a serious injury accident, it is common for victims to find themselves struggling under the weight of mounting medical bills, travel for treatment, and other expenses. To protect your finances and your future, contact the Danville injury attorneys of Spiros Law, P.C. to find out how we can help you avoid the financial pitfalls that others have fallen into. Call us at (217) 443-4343 or reach out to us online for a free case evaluation today.