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National Safety Month Aims to Reduce Leading Injuries

The National Safety Council encourages everyone to observe and promote National Safety Month this June and to continue those safe practices all year round. The purpose of National Safety Month is to focus on reducing the leading causes of injury and death in the workplace, on the road, in the home, and around communities.

Avoidable injuries are the most prominent cause of death for Americans with ages ranging from 1 to 44 years old. There are numerous ways for people to stay safe and actively prevent these injuries. The National Safety Council encourages people to spread the word and educate themselves about ways to reduce the risk of work-related injuries. Approximately 13,000 American workers suffer an injury in the workplace every day due to a variety of causes.

Employers are responsible for the safety and well-being of those they employ, but employees should also take an initiative to promote their own safety. The National Safety Council makes a point to focus on a few work safety topics, which include: fatigue, drug use at work, driving, workplace violence, slips and falls, ergonomics, and overextension. While these do not encompass all the risks that employees are subject to, they are typically the most common ways that employees might potentially suffer an injury. Ways to ensure safety from these dangers in the workplace include:

  • Focusing on your wellness by getting the proper amount of sleep
  • Trying to include physical activity in your everyday routine
  • Recognizing potential hazards
  • Staying hydrated and eating enough

Ensuring a culture of safety in the workplace for protection from violence begins with having a well-trained staff. This can be accomplished through policy or training, in addition to the development of emergency action plans. Unfortunately, not all workplace hazards can be predicted, and the deadliest situations often involve an active shooter. The following precautions can help in an active shooter emergency.

Be Informed

  • Sign up for active shooter training
  • If you see something, say something
  • Be aware of your surroundings and possible dangers

Make a Plan

  • Make a plan with everyone in your office and ensure that everyone is on the same page
  • Make sure all of the exits are clear and visible

It is important to be aware of the risks that can be associated with being in the workplace. Employers should take the time to educate their employees on optimal work environment safety and how to avoid work-related injuries.  Throughout the month of June, and all year long, consider these ways to avoid work-related injuries and promote proper safety.

If you or a loved one have suffered an injury in the workplace, the attorneys at Spiros Law are here to take a weight off your shoulders. Here at Spiros Law,  we are dedicated to ensuring clients receive the proper care and attention when dealing with legal measures by addressing each matter with care. Contact our Danville office at (217) 443-4343 to speak with one of our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys and to schedule a free consultation.