Danville Drug Recall Attorneys
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires pharmaceutical companies to adhere to a stringent and lengthy testing process before allowing them to manufacture and sell a medication. Despite this process, however, hundreds of different medications are recalled each year. A recall can be initiated either by the drug manufacturer, or forced upon them by the FDA. Either way, though, drug manufacturers can and should be held legally responsible for whatever harm their medications cause.
If you or someone you love has taken a medication that was recalled either by the manufacturer or the FDA and are now suffering negative consequences, it may be in your best interest to consult with a compassionate Danville drug recall attorney from Spiros Law, P.C. We may be able to help you win financial compensation for medical expenses or pain and suffering associated with the medication’s side effects. Call our offices today at (217) 443-4343.
Possible Reasons for Drug Recalls
There are many reasons that a medication will be recalled. Some of the most common reasons for a recall include:
- Negative side effects that were not foreseen during testing
- Poor manufacturing or manufacturing defects
- Negative interactions with other medications that were unforeseen
It is always the responsibility of a drug manufacturer to ensure that their product is not harming the people who use it. When a pharmaceutical company fails to uphold that responsibility, you may have the right to pursue legal action.
Contact Us
A Danville drug recall lawyer from Spiros Law, P.C., is eager to help you find justice after taking a harmful medication that has been recalled. Call us today at (217) 443-4343 to discuss your case.