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Public expresses concern over dangerous Chicago intersection near school

People in the Chicago area recently expressed their concern regarding an intersection near a school after pedestrians, which include grade school students, are becoming involved in accidents, an article of NBC Chicago reported on March 16.

The community wanted to have a stop sign installed at the intersection of Austin and Cornelia due to increasing accident rates. The Chicago Academy grade school reportedly is near the busy intersection. A concerned parent stated that they have seen many accidents taking place near the intersection. In a recent incident, a boy struck a parked vehicle with his bicycle after a moving vehicle apparently interrupted him. In another incident, two young girls became victims of a hit-and-run accident near the intersection on their way to school. The office of Alderman Gilbert Villegas has coordinated with the state’s Department of Transportation to address the issue.

The lawyers of Spiros Law, P.C., advocate for Danville families whose loved ones are injured in accidents. If you are in such a situation, we may possibly help you get medical funds by pursuing damage claims against negligent parties. Discuss your situation with us today by calling (217) 443-4343.