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Spiros Law, P.C. Archives

How Severe is Your Dog Bite?

According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC), almost 4.7 million dog bite incidents occur in the United States each year. Of that number, 800,000 dog bites result in medical treatment of some sort. With that said, 81% of dog bites cause only minor injuries or no injury at all. As you can see, there… Read More

News anchor bitten by dog on television

A television news anchor is currently recovering from injuries sustained when she was bitten in the face by an 85-pound Argentine Mastiff on air. The incident occurred when the anchor was doing a news segment on the dog and his owner. The dog owner, a local firefighter, rescued the dog from an icy lake after… Read More

American Academy of Pediatrics discuss dangers of dog bites

The American Academy of Pediatrics and doctors are beginning a campaign to raise awareness of  the dangers of dog bites. During National Dog Bite Prevention Week,  doctors pointed out that nearly 5 million people suffer from dog bites every year, 600,000 of these require medical attention. Tips were given to parents in order to help… Read More